what we believe

We believe in the existence of the eternal God who -- though One being -- is revealed in three distinct personalities:  God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that God is the creator of heaven and earth.  We believe that Jesus Christ was sent to this earth to live a sinless life and die a cruel death on the cross to redeem mankind from their sin sickness.  We believe that God the Father sends the Holy Spirit to indwell obedient believers who place their obedient faith in the saving, redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the proper response to the redeeming work of Jesus is obedient faith. We believe that adult believers who confess their faith in Jesus Christ and are baptized for the forgiveness of their sins are added to the family of God.
We believe that the family of God should assemble every Sunday to worship and thank God for His blessings and care, to take the Lord's Supper in memory of the Savior, and to fellowship and uplift each other in the great adventure of faith.
We believe that God has revealed His will to mankind through the Bible, which is the divinely inspired Word of God.  
As a church, the prescription for who we are and what we do is revealed by the life and teaching of Jesus as well as through the example of the first churches presented in Scripture. 
We believe in the autonomy of the local church and are therefore non-denominational. We believe the spiritual oversight of the local church has been granted to Shepherd-Elders whose chief concern is the spiritual health of every member of the church family.