Nairobi, Kenya - Larry and Hollye Conway

Larry and Hollye Conway have served as missionaries in Africa since 1986. Larry helped establish several local churches and continues to support and encourage them. He has also tirelessly reached out to the destitute children living on the streets of Nairobi. Larry speaks the native Swahili and teaches the children about Jesus and his love for them. Larry has established two homes for the street children who agree to give up drug use and other destructive behaviors. The Conways are also involved in home Bible studies, assisting missionaries traveling through Nairobi, and participating in local community activities that enhance church exposure. Larry teaches one day a week at the Nairobi Great Commission School, a facility that educates Kenyan men to become church leaders—Hollye volunteers at local orphanages.  

For more information please email Larry and Hollye at the email below. 

